For this particular week, I shot a big ole wad of mixed lighting photos. I chose this one with my blog post in mind. When talking about my inspiration, I mentioned wanting to take pictures that drew people into my subject and have them wonder about what went out when this photo was an actual moment in action. I love the way the natural light brightens her face and draws you straight to her darting blue eyes. That in mind, I didn't want to draw your attention to her eyes only, and have you miss the photo as a whole. That's why using a reflector, (and I'll admit, accidently) the light hit the bottom light of the tree, and her hair, giving color the her hair and drawing your eyes more to her as a subject entirely, adding shadows, and not just focusing on specific facial features. I love that the lighting on the bottom left of the tree trickles and leads into her hair, so evenly. Not to mention, I'm glad her genes gave her eyes that color because they went so nicely with the colors of her shirt. This was shot using a Nikon D300, with a shutter speed of 1/250 and an f-stop of 4.8. Credit to Jen for tackling the obstacle of this womping willow to nudge herself into the nook of this tree.
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